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Berewood Primary School

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Welcome to our new Year R children 2025 - Key Dates and Times

We are very excited to welcome our new Year R children to the Berewood Primary School community. Over the coming months there will be lots of opportunities for you and your child to come into school and get familiar with our team and routines. 

The first opportunity for this will be an information evening for parents on Tuesday 11th June at 6.30pm.  During this meeting you will be introduced to our Year R team and other key staff at the school. This meeting is not suitable for young children because it will involve a lot of information for you about what to expect from their Reception year, as well as information about the structure of the transition plan for your child. We will also be giving out personalised packs during this meeting so you go into June knowing the schedule for June, July and September.

Throughout June and July there will be opportunities for your child to spend time in their new classroom with their new teacher and a small group of their new classmates.

We aim to keep the number of children in these sessions low to help all children feel settled and confident. As such, the dates below will not be for all children. You will be advised of which class and sessions your child is invited to at the meeting on the 11th June.

School starts for Year 1 to 6 on Tuesday 3rd September.

During this week, you and your child will be invited in to meet with your child's new teacher. These sessions will run from Wednesday until Friday and will last for 30 minutes for each family.

On Monday 9th September, Tuesday 10th September and Wednesday 11th September, we will be inviting 10 children into school from each of our reception classes to spend the day in school. This will give each child the opportunity to explore their classroom and outdoor area, get familiar with the adults that will be working with them and be introduced to the classroom routines in a small group with a high adult ratio.

By Thursday 12th September, we anticipate that most children will begin school full time. 

We know that starting school can be an anxious time for some children (and parents too!) so we try to make this process as smooth as possible. In most instances, our children settle well and these transition plans help them to do so; but for some children, something different may be needed. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch so we can talk through any worries and hopefully work together to find solutions.

We look forward to welcoming all the new children and families into our school and working with you and getting to know you all over the coming years. Thank you for choosing Berewood Primary School.